Paisley Deserves More!

Buddies deserve better!

  • What some people think!

What Buddies Say

Paisley buddies, telling it like it is!

  • A M


I cant understand what we havent had a Conservative Councillor in this ward. I've spoken to Jim on a couple of occasions, he's friendly and approachable - he'll have our votes on the 5th of MAY!.

  • T P


I was impressed by Jim, by what I heard on the door and his determination to make a difference. - He can't do any worse than the representatives we have now, who I'm dissapointed with.

  • P H

    Paisley Buddie

This man has done it with other Councils and he wants to make that experience count for Paisley! - I'm prepared to give him a chance.

  • A


Jim is making this Council do things it has never done before!

  • H W

    Save the RAI member

You’ll defo get my vote 👍

  • G B


I believe councillors should have a maximum of two terms and this lot have had their day. - I'm not usually a Conservative voter but this time I'm voting for a person I believe will ge the job done.

  • A

    Paisley Buddie

Jim is talking the talk, and walking the walk. If he manages anything near what he's done elsewhere Paisley will be the town that some can remember - And we all want it to be again!

  • N G


This man is already doing it for us with the RAI for "FREE". Now he wants to use his experience to regenerate our town and bring business back to our High Street and put Paisley back on the map!

  • R B


"Paisley has changed and not for the better. We need more shops, jobs, more help for the vulnerable and more for youngsters to do. Renfrewshire Council is letting us down and Jim is taking them on."

  • G B

    Paisley Buddie

FORGET POLITICS: - Jim as a local campaigner has made this Council do the things existing councillors should have done - But didn’t!!

  • J K

    Save the RAI member

the council sit on their ****** but the only man who is doing something is Jim... your doing a great job and you'll get my vote. Good luck."

  • J F

    Save the RAI member

Great stuff Jim … your determination and clarity of thought about process & procedures will be an asset for voters to consider… good luck

  • A R


This man has the experience to help and he says it would be his proudest moment to be elected to play a part in regenerating this town. - Light the blue touch paper and watch the fireworks if he does!

  • R

    Save the RAI member

Having had experience of the two remaining South East councillors, you can count on my vote should you decide to stand Jim. Good luck getting them to do anything that is in the interests of their constituents.

  • P H

    Paisley Buddie

Jim has known poverty and some success and he now wants to use that experience to HELP our town. - What's not to like?

  • C M

    Save the RAI member

Wow! Your head is going ten to the dozen. You are an absolute inspiration and credit to the Renfrewshire community. I wish you all the best in any of these projects gojng forward x

  • J M


Jim is doing it with the RAI and he has promised to address issues that are a worry for me and my family. He's done it before elswhere, so I'm prepared to take him at his word. - He's got our votes.

  • R R

    Paisley Buddie

Jim isn't standing in our ward (but I wish he was) he'll get the job done and I'd vote for him all day long!

  • M A

    Save the RAI member

Thank you Jim for keeping us updated and good luck with standing in the local election your much needed experience in getting things done can only be of benefit to our wonderful town

  • E E

    Save the RAI member

Doing a wonderful job. Good luck in elections. This is what is needed. Old school out and people who care about our town and its people, in.

  • R B


GO JIM! - I hope your sense of fair play sees you through. I'll look forward to you helping this town that you love so much .

  • E M

    Paisley Buddie

Jim is a Paisley man through-and-through!



Paisley Man

(Q) Have I had bigger commercial and career challenges - YES
(Q) Have I ever had the opportunity to officially represent my home town - NO.
(Q) Would it be an honour to help regenerate Paisley and maybe be remembered for playing some part in its future. - NO QUESTION!
Dont tag me as any particular colour. If you vote JIM (1) or trust me and put JIM (2) next to my name. - I PROMISE Paisley's regeneration will be fast-tracked!

NEWS: Jim to stand in General Election, - Will you 'VOTE' to elect an MSP who WILL make a REAL CHANGE?  Read more