People Over Politics!

I support PEOPLE over POLITICS. Residents must always come first. It's what I've previously done. It's part of what I stand for and that will never change.


Doing things to help my home town!

Renfrewshire Council Officers currently know me as a local activist, who demands things. - Someone who in the last few years has forced this Council to take action against absent owners who are being allowed to neglect - Our Town's heritage!

I promise if I am ever elected that the concerns of the town will be heard in Renfrewshire Council and you will have a Councillor who will go the extra mile for residents. - If I stand again and have your vote, officers will know me not as community campaigner but as a No Nonsense Councillor who will insist on getting things done for the people I represent!

RAI 640

I'll make sure Council listens!

I enjoy helping in the community and local campaigns. Should I stand again and be elected I promise Paisley issues we are passionate about will be heard and I will challenge Renfrewshire Council Officers on things that need to be done and will expect them to be done!.

So, before the keyboard warriors or opposition try to belittle or undermine. - I want to say this: I'm just a normal guy with a wee bit of business sense who knew when elected how to get a Council to do the things they are there to do and turn a can't do culture into a 'can do' attitude.


We need civilised debate!

The recent goings on with Councillors being barred and threatening others is a DISGRACE - These people are elected to help manage this Council and deliver the best front-line services for residents. Not to use that platform for their own personal slagging match. - Should I be elected I promise common sense politics and getting on with what needs to be done. - For me its now a case of shape up or ship out, and voters always have the opportunity to drive that change at the ballot box - by choosing who they vote for!


We need cross party engagement!

I believe cross-party engagement without political bias ensures a more efficient Council and NOT enough (if any) of this is happening at Renfrewshire Council. I'd like to see the poltical bile gone, the nonsense of the SNP won't back Conservative ideas, or there might be a Labour-SNP pact actually STOPS sound ideas being adopted and does a disservice to residents who voted them into a position of trust.

Elected representatives should know better and if elected I promise to be an advocate for politics that will bring a Better Paisley!


Local Government not National Politics!

The last I'll say on politics on this page is that "the party blame game" should be a thing of the past. - This is LOCAL GOVERNMENT where we decide on things that matter to people, in their communities. - Schooling, community issues, waste, recycling, elderly care, childcare, housing, planning, leisure, regeneration, tourism, jobs, apprenticeships, roads, transport and parking. - Should I be elected I promise to drive home a message to "stop national smokescreens", scoring cheap polticial brownie points and get on with the job.


Fight for Paisley regeneration.

I'm currently fighting to save the old Royal Alexandra Infirmary from the wrecking ball and I've finally managed to force this Council into action. Should I be elected I promise as your Councillor to have other important buildings restored and work with others to regenerate our High Street. - Why not click the link to find out more "SAVE THE RAI" or JOIN hundreds of other Paisley Buddies for all the up-to-date news?


The Save the RAI Campaign.

I am now campaigning in Paisley - Save the RAI is a campaign to rescue this historic building I've been fighting for some years. - I promise I will continue to take this forward with the Council. - I'll continue my regeneration agenda for Paisley. - Above is proof of my experience. - All the best!

As I want this Council to fast-track regeneration and be proactive in the future of our town.

Working Together for a Better Council!

"Once elected local governance should be about members "working together" to deliver solutions for the betterment of the people who voted you in. - I am an advocate for cross-party-engagement, as I truly believe (if we did this) Renfrewshire Council could become a role model that other Councils would aspire to."

NEWS: Jim to stand in General Election, - Will you 'VOTE' to elect an MSP who WILL make a REAL CHANGE?  Read more