Doing things to help my home town!
Renfrewshire Council Officers currently know me as a local activist, who demands things. - Someone who in the last few years has forced this Council to take action against absent owners who are being allowed to neglect - Our Town's heritage!
I promise if I am ever elected that the concerns of the town will be heard in Renfrewshire Council and you will have a Councillor who will go the extra mile for residents. - If I stand again and have your vote, officers will know me not as community campaigner but as a No Nonsense Councillor who will insist on getting things done for the people I represent!
The Save the RAI Campaign.
I am now campaigning in Paisley - Save the RAI is a campaign to rescue this historic building I've been fighting for some years. - I promise I will continue to take this forward with the Council. - I'll continue my regeneration agenda for Paisley. - Above is proof of my experience. - All the best!
As I want this Council to fast-track regeneration and be proactive in the future of our town.