People need to be heard!

I am not a career politician and my values are simple, I will support people throughout the community regardless of politics. - Paisley means more to me than political in fighting!


These are my council achievements

I was late into politics, it happened by chance and was never something I intended to do nor was it a career consideration. When my community campaigning led to me being approached by a Council I asked friends, family and residents what should I do, and their reply was:- Do it, you can push more from within the Council and get even more done.

It was that simple, I took the advice and ran for the wider community. - I never got wrapped up in the politics, I simply used that power effectively to get things done for people. - Below are some of the things I achieved while in office. - I'll let you decide.


Pride of the Borough Award

Before I got involved I had been a community campaigner helping residents with issues from schooling to housing. When I took on my biggest campaign for residents compensation I was presented with this award. The Mayor said: Jim has taken two-years off work without pay to campaign for residents and is a worthy winner.

Deputy Leader, Cllr Harman said: “Volunteers are vital to the smooth running of many organisations in the Borough and give up so much of their own time to help others – we simply couldn’t do without them!”


Double yellow lines for village

After two-years of fighting against a County Council who were refusing to support a community blighted (for over twenty-years) by Heathrow Airport. - I appeared in front of the County and Borough Joint Committee Panel and put the case for the residents - I had those years of County Council refusal to act overturned and double yellow lines in and out of the village ordered to be installed.

Now holiday parkers, taxis, chauffuer companies using roads as free parking and commercial vehicles treating it a rat-run that was a real danger to residents are a thing of the past and its a very different place to where it was and a dangerous situation has been resolved.


Premises and funds for food bank

I was proud to support a startup food bank service who needed better premises. When a local pavilion in my ward was about to be handed to a Surrey County Council supported service company I insisted local community assets must be offered to local community services and won. - I ensured the lease of a local pavilion was granted to Stanwell Events and in this photo after completion, I presented the team with a further cheque for £17,000 toward keeping their great work going,

The food bank during the Covid-19 Pandemic went on to provide over 450,000 meals to residents and became one of the real success stories for the borough and I'm proud to have played my part.


Outdoor gyms for the borough

With people almost locked up in their homes and leisure clubs, swimming pools and gyms closed down. The leader at that time, myself and other councillors worked together on the idea of outdoor gyms in parks around the borough.

This has been a real success with six already in place and four to follow.


M&S relocated and new homes.

As the lead Councillor on the Rent Review Panel, I instructed the Assets Team to enter into negotiations with M&S on the purchase their unit and we would help them relocate the business. The previous sale price had been £3.4m.,

However through strong negotiation we managed to purchase the store for approximately £500,000. We relocated M&S to a new premises and we structured a deal to bring a Tesco Express into the vacant unit in the High Street. - This deal saved the tax payer approximately £3,000,000, it bought a premier High Street unit into the Council property portfolio, which created additional income to support front-line services.

Importantly I was confident when the sale went through we could secure planning permission above the unit and shortly afterwards the Council gained planning permission to build 12 affordable town centre apartments above the store. The FIRST affordable town-centre units in the County, this was a substantial win for the tax-payer and a regeneration project success..


Support for Ashford FC

It was a great pleasure to be able to support this important community service and local football club and I was happy to lend my support when a traveller incursion threatened to damage recently laid football pitches, Working with Surrey Police and the Councils enforcement team we thankfully managed to resolve the situation the same day!

To also be able to support this community team when another occasion of mindless vandalism during the Covid pandemic stretched their finances with no income coming in was something I was happy to do and I believed the Council had to do.


Resolving traveller incursions

When travellers cut through locks on a local cricket club gates, I was called by residents and went to the site. It took three days to vacate the site, however the travellers then moved onto nearby footbal pitches. - Working with the Police in a difficult situation and the Council enforcement team we managed to move them on in eight hours.

We need sites for travelling people within boroughs and counties throughout the UK and I was part of the team tasked to help find potential sites under my housing and local plan portfolio.


Taking on Heathrow Airport

John Holland-Kaye has reemphasised that while it won’t be for the next couple of years due to the Covid pandemic just how important the airport expansion and the third runway of Heathrow is for the Country.

He also told me: Jim you’ve set out a strong case for extending the boundary of the Wider Property Offer Zone. That he appreciated the need for certainty and fully understood the (strength of feeling on this issue). When the third runway is back on the table. - I believe due to the campaign those residents will eventually have their long-deserved compensation!


What you put in - What you can get out.

Above highlights some of the things I achieved (but I believe this and more can be done by anyone) if you're elected and you're prepared to work at it. - Outside of this I provided funds for primary school computers. - I had a new central heating system installed for a local scouts group when they couldnt afford to. - I became the Councils lead negotiator on Heathrow Airport. - I chaired the Local Plan Task Group. - I was responsible for the Councils property portfolio, - and became Deputy Leader of the Council.

* This personally is more important. - I never thought I'd get a chance to help the future of my home town!


The Save the RAI Campaign.

I will continue to campaign for Paisley - I will continue via the Save the RAI Campaign to rescue this historic building. - I'll continue my regeneration agenda for Paisley and for Town Centre. - And I'll keep you updated if the opportunity to stand again comes up again!

Renfrewshire Council must BUY to Regenerate!

"It's absurd that although Renfrewshire Council owns over 150 properties throughout the borough, they only own THREE in our principle Town Centre?

If Renfrewshire Council is serious about regenerating our town, they need to take immediate ACTION. - They must become a major landlord in the High Street which would allow them to create town centre living AND lease commercial units with preferentail rates. - This would encourage BRANDS back onto our High Street."

NEWS: Jim to stand in General Election, - Will you 'VOTE' to elect an MSP who WILL make a REAL CHANGE?  Read more