Now More Than Ever - Its Time

The question is are the people ready fo act on it for if not now it will probably never hapen

  • It's time for (everyone) to get involved!

THE RESULT: - Well it wasn't to be..

Hello everyone, after the May 6th result I was hugely disappointed, but I want to send a massive thank you to everyone who voted for me. - While I tried to make things as un-political as possible and I told people where I stood - ironically (politics) meant the job never got done.

I'd like to clear a few things up. - People asked why the Tories?
The fact is the Conservatives knowing what I achieved in England asked me, no other party did. They offered the opportunity to stand where if successful I could start to make changes that we all know are needed for our town from within the Council and I couldnt turn that down. Irrespective of the badge or colour I have always put people before party and I thought I had proven that. - So, as I have important family issues I had to take a break to decide what’s next.


To others who asked why not run as an Independent I'll say this: - It is a huge commitment to run a campaign, it's intense work for weeks and months, you need a lot of supporters who are prepared to help you canvass on the doors, then there is the sheer amount of campaign material and the cost of it. It is also phyically and mentally demanding and if you dont have this kind of help you probably wont get over the line. – The reality is it's practically impossible under the UK political system to be successful the big parties know this - and they rely upon it.

*Although I'm not discounting it for the future, - Had I run as an independent with an incumbent running that would have fractured the independent vote. - While I beat him in the contest and he was eliminated at Stage 6 if I'd had a percentage of his 553 votes, I would have comfortably beaten Marie McGurk to clinch the third seat - and it would have been Game-On!

The politics of politics

No holds barred thoughts for the main parties


To the SNP

The majority of Scots know that you are talking rubbish and if we split up our country we would not be as successful as we should be in a post brexit world. It is the opinion of many that we couldn’t balance the books without Westminster but together we're a FORCE to be reckoned within a Global Britain. - Forget centre-left, big-tent politics, nuclear disarmament fantasies and God forbid closer ties again to the failing European Union.

STOP insulting our intelligence and selling Scottish people lies
Stop the divisive politicing and get on with the job of government.
Stop with the insanity of let’s get rid of Faslane and drill for oil there.
Or let's scrap our nuclear deterrent and the protection it provides this country and Europe.
A protection the Ukraine does not have, and look what's happening there?

We had a (once-in-a-generation) referendum vote on the 8th September 2014 and we chose to stay as part of the United Kingdom but the SNP want another go. - Is this really about political ego rather than what's best for Scotland and the Scottish people? - How about proving to the Scotttish people what great success you've had as a Government?

Or should we follow you blindly on your solution to our woes: - Where we seek Independence, then jump back into Europe's bed and see Scotland being goverened by unelected beaurocrats, submit to all of their poltical machinations and red-tape and firmly ensconce ourselves into a dwindling EU marketplace. - What kind of independence is that?

The Nats should be truthful with Scottish voters and stop dividing familes, friends, neighbours and communities, - Scotland is not going to leave the UK any time soon.

For if we did, we would end up selling whisky on a street corner, (if our new RULERS allow us to?).
I believe the SNP will be found out for what they are - A divisive movement of self-serving opportunists with a skewed vision that can only damage Scotland!

Let's work on what we can do locally?

"Local councillors never once contacted us, so let's not rely on them now. We've already proven People Power can make a difference by forcing this Council into action!"

To Labour

Labour are not a government in waiting as they have no direction under Keir Starmer, or the potty-mouthed Angela Rayner. - Their only saving grace is they support a windfall tax but the question is what else? – Labour don't have a clue nationally but my concern is about 'Local Government' as this is where (we can make changes) for residents locally.

I would question why you continue to vote in Eddie Devine who did not contact us once over the last couple of years to offer help as we battled against the Council. He didn't even attend the election count day, which is the very least you should expect of every candidate?

The Labour party I knew represented working class social politics but locally I watched Labour almost destroy this Council during their time in office. - Nationally they're no better!


Vote for a community champion and watch things change

"Local politics is about voting for people you think can help better your community. Not to benefit Cllrs who do little, have been there too long and think they have a right to be there!"


To the Conservatives

Sort out the cost of living crisis or lose the next election. With inflation at 10% and with energy costs at totally unacceptable levels. With food prices up 20%, provide immediate tax-cuts to help the many families throughout the country. Go ahead with a windfall tax on the oil giants and prove you are on the side of the many millions of British residents and not on the side of those making billions in profit and paying big dividents to their investors at a time of economic need while ordinary people are forced to buy cheaper food, skip meals and wear extra clothes rather than putting the heating on.

Nationalise utility companies, the French are doing it with EDF to address the cost of living crisis, yet in the UK, Électricité de France (EDF) is being allowed to impose unreasonable tarrifs on UK consumers, and to add (insult to injury) is looking for UK Government help to pay down their debts at the expense of UK consumer? - While I believe the union is best for Scotland & the UK, it may be time for Scottish Conservatives to leave the Westminster party to get the best deal for Scotland. - AND BECOME A TRULY SCOTTISH PARTY!

How do we make things better?

I’ve shouted about supporting “local champions” but what if we decided next time around to elect people working hard for their communities to make a change? – It's likely unless a new local champions party is formed that NO POLITICAL PARTY would control our Council but would that be a bad thing? - NO it could be a game-changer, as we would find people with different mindsets, different experiences, go-ahead attitudes and other skills needed to put Paisley on a regeneration fast-track and create a model that other Councils would aspire to!

It may be Westminster is incapable of resolving inequality. – That it's time to disolve of the House of Lords and move from an archaic building that smells in some parts like a not very well-maintained care home. – It may be if levelling-up and power redistribution is to happen that the English parliament moves to middle England for everyone to get a better deal?


It can also be argued that our political system has failed Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and most of England. - Either way there is a growing call for constitutional change. - That politics based on class and ideology is yesterday’s news and todays chip paper and geographical power is what's important now and in the future. The national resentment against the Wealth of London and the concentration of power in the South-East of England or where Parliament sits is for the English to resolve.

Whatever happens, we need our Scottish parliament - We just need to make it stronger!

The politics of the future?

"Agree or disagree but its clear to many, our political system is broken. - We have a political merry-go-round where the establishment rules, one of two govern and all of us go from (cradle-to-the-grave) knowing nothing better, and getting more of the same. - This needs to change, voter apathy needs to be challenged, we need a new [ tick-box ] that will excite and motivate, that we can be passionate about and get engaged with. - More than ever, the peoples voice needs to be heard. - We CAN change these things, if we have the appetite to work together, have the belief in ourselves and vote to bring about those changes!"

Some thoughts to ponder?

What could be the answer is to challenge established parties, take the best from them (although some might question what would that be) and launch a Peoples Party (not yet-another backed by the monied elite) but something that has a community based national ethic. Where we elect local champions with local knowledge to representent local commununities. Where we introduce common-sense into the political debate. - Where we find a way to make this a fully-democratic 'no whip system' where like-minded people speak for their electorate without fear of party reprisal or be forced to vote against their will. - A party of individuals chosen by their electorate work together to deliver a peoples agenda, not the City or Bankers agenda.

NEWS: Jim to stand in General Election, - Will you 'VOTE' to elect an MSP who WILL make a REAL CHANGE?  Read more