Frequently Asked Questions
These are the main questions that worry residents in Paisley Southeast and they want me to help with.
I hope you find your answer here but if you have another question?
Please email me at -
I am in the process of returning home to help care for my elderly Mother but I have Councillor experience, including town regeneration experience I'd like to use that to help Paisley. - It would be an honour if I were ever elected to represent and help my hometown.
I previously stood in the Southend of the Town which I felt was being failed by the current representatives. However any ward particularly in the town centre as I'm interested in the regeneration of Paisley.
As a man I'm just an ordinary guy who knows how to get things done and I like to help wherever I can. - On a political level I would describe myself as a right-wing populist and hopefully a force for good for the town. In my previous position I achieved a quite lot and you can find out more the Previous page on this website. -
I've been a local campaigner for many years and I'm doing it currently in PAISLEY with my Save the RAI Campaign.
I believe you should vote for a person because of what they've done in the community. - NOT because of a political colour. - If your current Cllrs are letting you down, they quite simply don't deserve your VOTE!
From the starting gun, I would be doing all I can to STOP the political bile and in-fighting, which I have no time for. It is the main thing that has held this Council back and it provides NO BENEFIT for residents, although it might play a part in keeping inept councillors in a job.
Everyone should remember Local Government Elections are NOT a General Election. It is about having the best people to manage the finances of a Town, Borough or County for the people who live there.
I believe we need cross-party engagement, without political bias, or agenda in Renfrewshire House and this will deliver the best for Paisley residents. I believe we can make our town and Council a role model other Councils might apsire to - but we're a long way off that right now!
The truth is I left twice, I became Deputy Leader of the Council and brought success in the first period. I returned as I was led to believe things had changed however when I returned I found things were happening that I could not agree with or support.
I was going to run as an independent but was convinced things had changed which would benefit residents that didn't transpire and in hindsight it was my mistake.
We must protect the greenbelt wherever we can. Urban land and brownfield sites must be used first before we even consider looking at any green land. I have previous experience as chair of the Councils Local Plan Task Group. - I'll make sure projects like this never see the light of day.
Similar to the Dykebar development - These sites are not only precious green areas, they are our towns and communities geograpical boundaries and are important for controlling urban growth.
I've been travelling through Paisley Southeast and the roads are in need of repair but in Glenburn in particular the roads are in a desperate state. - I'll use my previous experience to get some action and make sure concerns about potholes, pavements, walkways and road markings are prioritised throughout the ward.
Speeding is dangerous, its something I completely understand and I've sadly had to address with previous fatalities. Bringing in speed restrictions or other traffic calming methods where needed are something you have to deal with on a case-by-case basis . For instance, 20mph zones are not only considerations for near schools but for residents safety wherever there is a community concern.
The state of the environment despite the naysayers lobbyists, is now known. - Yet they still say a small area will make no difference. I don't buy into that and feel setting out a Renfrewshire plan could see this Council become a benchmark for other Scottish Councils to aspire to. - One of my first jobs was with the Council as part of a team to plant fifty thousand trees in Glenburn and the Braes.
If elected, outside of being your Ward Councillor, making sure ward residents come first and getting things done, I want to see Paisley prosper. I want to help bring shops to our High Street, create more local jobs, boost our local ecomony and get back that sense of pride and community for our town that we once had.
Having town regeneration experience and been responsible for the largest Council property portfolio (£1.1bn) in the UK I believe these are transferable skills that I could use to help Paisley. - I want to try and if people trust me - I will!
I have been a planning committee member where I've been involved in community projects, town regeneration projects, affordable homes in communities and town centres. Following on from this, I headed the Local Plan Task Group.
Council tax payments fund essential front-line services that we all need, however at this time of much higher costs for people - I don't believe we should be facing any rises in Council Tax, National Insurance, VAT or any other kind of tax.
Because I have traditional values. I believe in personal liberty, democracy and the rule of law. I believe our traditions and institutions should be maintained and I want the same if not better for our children and their children.
*Unfortunately I don't believe Central Goverment is doing the right thing for the majority, the civil service needs a shake up as woke zealots are improperly influencing political debate. I would be glad to be proven wrong but in my opinion Common Sense that the majority of the British electorate believes in is being undermined and that must STOP!
I've been asked this many times given my background and my answer is: - While you will not find a more passionate Scot than than I am (I am not a separatist). - I believe Nicola Sturgeon has been selling the Scots a lie as the UK is already independant and on its way to become a global player.
The NATS lost the independence vote now they argue about being part of the EU - - I would ask you this: - WHY should we leave the most successful club in global history to join a failing one and be tied up in more bureaucracy and red tape and be RULED by unelected technocrats? - How can that be independence?
I believe in Scotland FIRST AND ALWAYS, but as part of the United Kingdom. - I believe Scottish Conservatives are the only way to hold the SNP to account and that we need a strong delegation of Scottish Conservatives who will make more demands for Scotland and get more from Boris Johnson at Westminster.
Similar to the previous question and given my Council scheme background some people say I should be standing for Labour but I don't believe I should vote because my parents or my grand parents voted that way.
As I've said previously, I believe you should vote for people who are actually doing things in the Ward - irrespective of their poltical colour. - and if you can't then you should lend them your second preference vote. - That way you will see a 'change for the better' in Renfrewshire Council.
I'm ready to get started? - I might be ready the next time around.
I want to see a real change in Paisley and I will watch with interest and try to support other Paisley projects.