My name is Jim McIlroy, I'm married, I have four grown-up children and I returned home to care for family. I was born and raised in Ferguslie Park, so I understand about, not having a lot, and the needs of residents of the schemes like Ferguslie, Glenburn, Foxbar and Gallowhill, and the importance of community. - Although things have changed I value that upbringing and I wouldn’t change it, as it made me the man I am today.
Education and Career
I went to school in Ferguslie and Glenburn. I’m retired, have a property background and through business - I went from Ferguslie Park to Thornly Park. Currently in Hawkhead, seeking a home in the ward to put a granny annexe. - That is my back story.
Local Cllrs need to do their job!
Councillors you vote in (are your voice) but if they're not doing enough - They're not doing their job! - Every Council needs Councillors who will PUSH Officers to get things done and if you dont have this then - Two Things Happen: - Nothing is done, - Or it's not done fast enough.
Personally I feel Council change (is long-overdue). - Some people have been there 'way-too-long' they feel entitled, and comfortable and think all they have to do is (put their name forward) and you will vote for them - And because of this do little of nothing. - You need to VOTE for CHANGE or NOTHING will Change!
Some won't want to hear this but I said these pages are my "no holds barred" belief of what's wrong at the Council. - It's time to vote for "Paisley Champions" whatever their poltics, to make things happen FASTER!
I believe in community
At a rally a few years ago over five hundred people walked with me to demand fair play and parity for a village that was being ignored.
Independence what's it all about?
This is my opinion you can agree or disagree but have a read?
I'm a passionate Scot and anyone who knows me knows that but I'm not a seperatist and I believe the SNP have been selling the Scottish people a lie. - We voted on independence the result was against it. - If we move on within the UK then Scotland's market should grow exponentially. - Leave the UK and we could suffer - Stay in it and we PROSPER!
We voted to stay in the EU say the SNP, so I'll ask this question. - Why would the Scots (for me) the greatest nation of innovators, entrepreneurs and inventors want to stay within a failing institutions dwindling market and be governed by unelected technocrats. What kind of Independence is that?. When we can trade with growing economies in a global market?
A devolved Scotland within the UK is free of Europe although we must complete the Brexit job. The UK will become a major player trading with (growing) economies in a global marketplace. I want Scotland to benefit from that. - I believe it should be Scotland FIRST (ALWAYS) but with a stronger Scottish team demanding a better deal for us from Westminster.
The EU is one of the worst performing economic areas in the world, economically it's a sinking ship. - History will prove that the United States of Europe project was a failure, as more countries realise their pride in their own identities and they signed up to a common market. They will want to trade with Britain. - I believe in the next decade their will be no EU!
What about other parties?
These are my thoughts and my opinions feel free to agree or disagree
I'm an ordinary man who has traditional values
Who knows how to get things done and I promise, if I'm elected that Renfrewshire Council will know Paisley Southeast has a Councillor who wants ACTION!
My beliefs
My intentions
I want to take politics out of my message and say, I believe if residents voted for local campaigners who are working to improve the community, irrespective of political colour. - People who work for free because they want to make a difference it would change this Council for the better. - I hope this underlines my intentions.
First and second preference votes?
I understand the challenges that await within this Council and with your votes I'm ready for that. - However If you can't vote for me as your first choice but you believe this Council needs to change - Can I ask that you LEND me your second preference transferable vote? - As the changes I will seek WILL BE CHANGES FOR EVERYONE in the ward.
PUT ME TO THE TEST and judge me on the things I achieve for the Ward in our Town. - THANK YOU!